Watch out because we are expanding; this season’s open enrollment was a success for all divisions, with over 100 enrollment submissions. Our new members are learning, thriving, and adjusting to the MVMT family just fine.
Check out testimony from one of our newest members:
“So first things first, I want to say that I love that a company like Diamond MVMT has an open enrollment — I remember questioning whether I would “make the cut” as I had been out of practice for so long. But knowing that the company is willing to welcome and pour into you as long as you’re willing to do the work is a breath of fresh air that I feel isn’t observed much in the industry.I really appreciated how open enrollment focused on our exploration of movement and emotion, and the exercises encouraged us not to worry about preciseness but expression and connection. The room felt warm and full, making me excited and comfortable to push forward with officially joining the Diamond MVMT” 💛 - Shannon M.